Some unknown things about Facebook !! Which you haven't heard until today!

In today's post we will learn about the dark side of social media. Many may think that the dark side of social media again! This idea is very simple. But the truth is much more complicated. It will take you to a dark world you can't even imagine. It's something that affects you every day. To understand the whole thing, it is necessary to shed light on only a few incidents.

In the last one and a half years, when people have been struggling to survive after the Corona epidemic, at that time, the amount of human wealth stood at 22 trillion dollars.

There are only three people in the world whose wealth is more than 10 trillion dollars. He is one of the three. I'm talking about Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. And you?

You may be working from morning to evening, hanging out on the bus, or busy taking a college degree.

Your bank balance is almost zero quota, your expenses are abnormally high, you feel like you are not being paid properly from your office, huge amount of bills are due on your credit card, worldly worries, home-world-future-children There is no end.

But your two fingers are busy scrolling on mobile skin, from Facebook, from Facebook to Tick, from there to Instagram, from Instagram to WhatsApp, from time to time Snapchat someone is keeping you busy all the time. And this is where the dark side of social media becomes clear. Let's discuss that in detail today.

The industry that has developed by selling your personal information is worth more than two hundred billion US dollars. Gee, you heard the number right. These are called data brokers. In simple Bengali, those who are doing business with information.

What information do they do business with? What is the capital of their business?

All your information; For example, suppose you want to buy a jacket this winter. You may have searched for a couple of pages that sell jackets on Facebook.

Or you asked a friend in the inbox where to find a good jacket?

Your friend may not have seen your message. But after a while you will see that your news feed Bahari has started to go viral in all the jacket advertisements.

Facebook's Artificial Intelligence robot has found out you're thinking of buying a jacket. And now it will not leave you without buying a jacket.

You never know how the free service will make you their product through Facebook, Messenger or any other social network.

That's why experts talk about the social media world. That is, if you get something for free, you are not the customer, but you are the product of the sale. "

To social media you are nothing more than a product. And they are making the best use of that product.

Your name, age, height, email address, phone number, home town, your relationship status, where you work. How many family members are there, how old they are, what you like, what you dislike, how intense your shopping habits are, political ideology, religious beliefs - they have all the information. And these are the capital of their business.

Now you may think that 50/60 more people I know know this information, look, there is a difference between knowing this information of people you know and having this information with date brokers day and night. Data brokers sell your information to survive.

They do not have to hack your Facebook account to get this information. No secret spyware is required to enter the mobile. You are giving them all this information.

Now you may wonder when I gave this information to someone else again! You like a picture, double tap. Something that looks good, like. Involved in new relationship, updated status. Married, Event Create. Everything you are sharing on social media. Your likes and dislikes, activities, all together, social media is generating an online version of you. And there you have the task of making a product without knowing it.

When you visit an app or a website, you are automatically giving them permission by clicking on their terms and conditions. You don't need to read what is written there. You allow the use of cookies on various websites, but you do not know what cookies actually do.

Then that information is being sold once, twice, hundreds of times to different buyers. Selling some seemingly unnecessary information in your eyes is making billions of dollars.

An agency you may never have heard of in your life. According to a report published in the British daily The Guardian in 2019, we are active on social media for an average of 145 minutes every day. That means we spend two and a half hours every day just scrolling through the newsfeed on Facebook. We only use Facebook for 36.5 days out of 365 days in a year. What a waste of time! As you read this post, 29% of people in the world are using Facebook.

Two out of every five people in the world are busy checking notifications at midnight. In our country, a new user is added to Facebook every 12 seconds, which is more than the birth rate of the country.

A few days ago, in an elite area of ​​Dhaka, a member of the armed forces jumped from one building to another and slipped in the middle.He died. No, he was not doing any training. He was shooting a tick video.

A few days later, 23-year-old popular Chinese tick star Xiao Qumey climbed on a 160-foot-high crane and made a live video. Suddenly he slipped and died. At that time, there was talk of stopping these dangerous trends worldwide.

But no, a few days later, a new trend called ticket blackout challenge started. The recipients of the challenge have to hold their breath until they become unconscious in this challenge.

Shortly afterwards, the body of a 12-year-old boy was recovered from an apartment in Oklahoma, USA. He died in the Blackout Challenge. Three boys died in the United States alone while participating in the challenge. There is only one connection between all these deaths; That is the tick.

In August 2016, the Chinese social media platform TikTuk came to the United States as a digital platform. Three years later, in 2021, six out of ten teenagers in the United States are using it. Although this short video app may seem strange, it is known that the original company Dance spent more than ১ 1 billion on advertising their band in 2016 alone, then it does not seem normal.

Last year it was considered the most valuable start-up in the world; Its value is 56 billion US dollars. Earlier this year, TickTock overtook Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram to become the most downloaded app in the world. At the same time, they were banned in the United States, which has been banned in India for a long time. But nothing could stop them from increasing the number of users.

The name of such an intoxicant is tickling! All the rats in the town were mesmerized by Hamilton's flute player and ran into the water.

The tickers have written their names in a false pretense of pretending. Someone jumped from the roof and died on the spot, while someone was paralyzed by an accident while riding a bike at a speed of 150 kmph.

A few days ago in Mumbai, India, a boy had bet with his friends that he would upload a ticket by capturing a video of him jumping from one train to another while on the move. Mature? Death. They think these are adventures. No, these are nonsense.

All these are sold with the abandonment of conscience and intellect, floating in the current in the hope of a little fame. Hundreds of people around the world have to pay the ultimate price for being addicted to the virus.

And the hardest reality is that this platform is pretending not to see everything. TickTock has inspired people to engage in much more risky behaviors just to earn revenue.

They have instilled in the people the desire to follow the easy way to reach the abode of propaganda by doing strange activities devoid of reality. Eighteen-year-olds are competing to present themselves as appealing at a young age.

Brian and Jane create an alternative and secure instant messaging app; Whose name is WhatsApp. In 2014, Facebook bought it for বিল 19 billion. That year, NASA's annual budget did not have that much money. Can you imagine the incredible amount of money? Think about how WhatsApp is making money. An app that has no ads, an app that doesn't cost money to use, an app that has end-to-end encryption, so there is no possibility of data smuggling.

What could be the source of income for such an app? Yes, you are right. You are their product. As a companion app of Facebook, WhatsApp is automatically getting some information from you. Access to your phone number, contact list is going to Facebook through WhatsApp. From there, Facebook's algorithm and Facebook's artificial intelligence combine to create a list of target audiences and potential customers.

The calculation is very simple. If you add a new number in the contact list of the phone, you will see that the person's Facebook account is showing in your news feed or his ID is floating on Instagram. No coincidence, these are all games of data piracy.

In today's world, the more data you have, the more powerful you are. And in the digital world, Facebook is leading this data monopoly. No other company in the world has the amount of information they have. This is why it is said that you do not know about yourself as much as Facebook and Google know about you. Not only that. Millions of dollars are being played behind the scenes.

Snapchat launched a service called Spotlight in November last year to compete with TickTock. At the same time, the company has stated that it will continue to pay নির্ 1 million to the producer behind its top video. Short videos are being made by YouTube, ticks are being made, Facebook, Messenger and Instagram are also in a strong position through story.

In order to survive in the market of Snapchat in the face of such a tough competition, it was necessary to do something exceptional. And that's what they do every day through this one million dollar giveaway.

Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl.

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